Come and be a part of our weekly services, special events, and other community efforts. Check out what's happening using the calendar below.
Find encouragement and community right in the middle of your week. Whether you're looking for meaningful connections, a time to refocus, or a chance to grow deeper in your faith, MDWK has something for everyone. From engaging classes for kids, students, and adults to moments of worship and learning, it’s the perfect midweek refresh to carry you through the week.
The Wild Game Dinner on February 1st is a great opportunity to invite friends, family, and neighbors to hear the Gospel. Along with a delicious spread of wild game and a message from Hank Parker, we’ll be giving away top-notch outdoor gear like guns, bows, and more. This is a perfect chance to help others find and follow Jesus in a fun, relaxed setting.
Tickets are $15 each, or you can purchase a table for $120, which includes
8 seats for you and your guests. Don’t miss out on this unique outreach event!
Our Annual Business Meeting will immediately follow our worship gathering on Sunday, February 2nd.
If you're new to Connect or just looking to get more plugged in, Connect U is a great next step. Over five weeks, we'll talk about who we are as a church, what we believe, and how we can serve and grow together. It's a laid-back space to ask questions and meet others. Classes start February 5th at 6 p.m., and we'd love to see you there. Register below for more info, reminders, and more.
We’re so excited to host Night to Shine again in 2025!
Night to Shine is a one-of-a-kind prom night experience for individuals with special needs, ages 14 and older, celebrating God’s love and the value of every guest. This global event brings together thousands of churches and volunteers to create an unforgettable evening.
Join us on February 7th and be part of this worldwide movement! Find more information & registration below.
When needs arise, whether attendees of Connect Church or citizens of the River Valley, we want to mobilize for a quicker, more meaningful response.
The conditions vary, but so do our giftings, callings, and desires. Learn more about additional ways to help people find and follow Jesus.